It is important to care for your baby's teeth from birth

Every child with teeth is at risk from tooth decay. Teething usually starts between the ages of 4-6 months. It is important to brush teeth as soon as the first one appears. 

Baby teething chart

Top tips for healthy teeth for 0-5 year olds

  • Use a baby tooth brush 
  • For children under 3, use a small smear of tooth paste
  • Use a children’s or family toothpaste containing no less than 1000 parts per million of fluoride (please check the label)
  • Brush teeth twice a day; last thing at night and on one other occasion (usually in the morning) to develop a routine
  • Remember toothpaste is a medicine and should be stored out of your child’s reach
  • Follow weaning guidelines from your health visiting team and do not add sugars to weaning foods or drinks
  • Alongside weaning introduce a free flow cup, this will encourage your child with development and enable them to learn to sip, rather than to suck
  • Use of a dummy is parental choice, it is recommended to discontinue this between 6-12 months
  • Dummies dipped in anything sweet can lead to tooth decay
  • Breast or formula milk are the only drinks your baby needs under the age of one
  • Do not put your baby to bed with a bottle, or prop a bottle in the mouth as this unsafe and can also cause tooth decay
  • Register your baby with a dentist and try to get a dental visit before your baby’s first birthday
  • Children who establish good oral health habits from an early age are less likely to suffer from tooth decay
  • Whilst it is uncommon, some babies are even born with teeth, these are called “natal” teeth. These teeth are typically weaker in structure than the teeth that grow afterwards. Natal teeth can impact on breastfeeding, speak to your health visitor or dentist if you have any concerns.